Squirrel in my bedroom loft

Last evening I was alarmed by a squeaking noise from the loft in my bedroom. To my amusement, I saw a tiny Squirrel peeking his head and staring at me from behind some carton. As if he were talking to me, he made some motions with his tiny mouth, his whiskers trembling all the while. I was frozen, watching him...I got up from bed, and he was alarmed and shrunk back, to the far corner where neither of us could see each other.

Thru the day, Me and Max kept seeing glimpses of him scurrying about the loft, rummaging thru an empty exhaust fan carton, an old torn overnighter, jumping over my Samsonite (as if to test its durability) and just being himself, I guess.

This morning, after a night filled with sweet chipmunk songs in my dreams...Qwishmas Qwishmas Qwishmas Joy...(and perhaps for real, but who can tell, I was asleep after all), I found him still in the loft. It occurred to me that the poor rascal might be hungry. And he’s just scared to leave the loft, or just lost his way not knowing how to step down. So when Max and I stepped out for breakfast, I opened all the windows and doors so he’d find his way out. I left the grill door to our room closed to prevent the noisy felines who roam about our neighborhood from getting a free entry to our cluttered apartment.

But the li’l rascal remained in the loft. He must be starving. Did he find anything edible? I guess not. I tried talking sense to him, said "you need to get outta there, you'll starve". But he didn't seem to care. I took a more stringent approach, took a broom handle and tapped hard on the cartons and the loft. No Go. So... having watched too many cartoons with chipmunk animations, I thought I’ll draw him out with a “nut-trail”. And I did the obvious. I scooped some nuts and bunched them on the floor, crushing a couple of them into a fine powder to entice my nosy-cute furry neighbor down the loft. And then I left a trail, a la one of Aesop’s Fables all the way to the door. To my credit, I gave him the privacy to eat without being stared at and left the room.

An hour jogged by watching Discovery Science and I anxiously returned. Yeah, you guessed it right, Li’l Rascal was still around, completely ignoring my offering of delicious nuts. However, they seem to have taken the fancy of a bunch of ants. Before Max could say “I told you so”, I grabbed a broomstick and brushed the nuts and the ants away.

So, I returned to my laptop, to my last resort… Google.

Well, a few hours of good ol' googlin' brought no joy this time. All results were for "equipment" or for extermination. However, Li'l Rascal seems to have caught the drift. He's disappeared. At least, for now. You'll be missed buddy! :)

It appears that Li'l Rascal is back. This time with a sweet and tiny addition. A baby rascal :) Wife says it peeked its teeny weeny head out from the loft, spotted my wife looking at it and in a reflex action, jumped head-first into one of the cartons. For now, they're both asleep as I lay awake wondering how the rascal is. Morrow, i await thee.


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