A Blunt Occam's Razor

The last few weeks have been extremely exhausting. Physically, Mentally, Emotionally - in every ally as possible. How does one call it "ally", when they all seem to be against us? I feel drained out. And as one gets to such a point in life, one does wonder. Well, more than just wonder. People like me, they 'overthink' it. Try to analyze the f*** out of it and make sense of the Why-In-The-Hell, Who-The-F***, What-In-God's-Name questions that spew out like popcorn from a machine at the cinemas. It's not the first time when I have been told by those who love me to Just Do It. Actually, it appears I am living amidst the biggest Nike ambassadors of all time!

But on a serious note, when does one "stop thinking and just do it", as opposed to a, "sleep over it, think about it, hold-on-lets-take-a-step-back" approach? When does one need to be "spontaneous", and when does one need to be calculative? Let's take any random decision we take on a daily basis - what to eat? Typically, this would be something spontaneous, a steady mix of "what's available", "how much time+effort is needed", "do I have to make it" and perhaps "how hungry I am". But if you add factors such as "weight watching", "who else is eating with you", "special occasion", this might not be a spontaneous thing. In fact, the "What's for Breakfast", is a dreaded question in my house, frequently being hurled around between me and the women in my house :p

This is true for relationships too. Technically speaking, One can help falling in love, contrary to what Mr. Presley has to say about it and choose not to do so. But it is easier for us to pretend to have lost control and "fallen in love". And although, the falling out is actually a spontaneous, involuntary act - we act as if it was a thought-out decision and have a "we need to talk" conversation.

So when I hear the voices in my head fighting, I realize, my Occam's Razor ain't sharp enough. It just ain't "cutting it", pun intended. As William of Ockham said, "Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate", meaning, Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity. I need to simplify this shit. I need to focus and de-focus at the same time. Let me live the Now, savor every moment, squeeze every drop of nectar from the mango, slurp that rasam on the plate to the last drop. Let me be the best of me. For me.

Now would you please stop overthinking this, and just be you. Yes, You!


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